1-Seeing my mall decorated for Christmas yesterday! WTH? Totally decorated except the Santa area where I saw workers busily working to assemble trees and lights. I felt sorry for them and wanted to ask them how they felt doing that job on Oct. 18.
2- The View. Too much drama. All.The.Time.
3- Switching from the air conditioning to the heat over and over. It's 82 here today! Tomorrow we're back to 70's.
4- That honeycrisp apples are $2.50/lb. I finally tried these gems after hearing various people rave about them. They are really good, but $2.50/lb!?
5- Getting my kids up in the morning. It's a struggle each day. Bribes don't work either. They're still not having this waking up at the crack of dawn each morning. They generally sleep from 8-7 (mini#2) and 8:30-7 (mini#1) so they're getting enough sleep. They just don't want to get out of bed. Ugh!!!
What's bothering you? Vent away.
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3 years ago
the view, i agree. i can NOT stand whoopi and her eye roll. joy is so self righteous....
Whoopi and Joy finally got smart and walked off their own show. Yeesh.
Joy aggravates me the most! Has she ever been happy?
getting my kids up!! argh!
The fact that husband is on day 9 of a hunting trip and not in communication! Gonna killllll him!!!!!
i do not understand why anyone ever watches the view. there is not a single person on there that i like. but what gets me is that they all talk over each other and are rude to guests. and i don't mean this week. but in general, they are so snooty.
I am not sure what mall you were in, but I almost turned around and left when I walked into Crabtree and saw the decorations BEFORE Halloween. A few days later, Triangle Town Center did the same thing to me.
The honeycrisp apples at Fresh Market are as big as melons! I didn't pay attention to how much they were until I had already swiped my card. $12 on a couple of apples!?
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