Then off to church we went and on to a steak lunch. He even ordered ribs- something he never orders out. I had some amazing baked chicken. Seriously. It was good! Back home to change and we went on a family bike ride. The side picture is from our trip last weekend to DC. Isn't that a cute bike rack we came across? Mini#1 said it wasn't comfortable though! Anyway, the bike ride was on a newly opened trail behind our street. It was a lot of fun. We didn't realize the trail was open yet. Cute bridges, peaceful, nature trail. We even detoured to a nearby ice cream shop for ice cream before returning home.
Tonight we grilled shrimp and veggie kabobs and had this yummy wild basmati rice I found at Trader Joe's. Mmmmm....and some of that aforementioned cookie cake for dessert! The dessert was had while watching the end of the US Open. Go Rory! I'd say Mr. Pink had a nice Father's Day, even though it was his first without his dad...
Tomorrow we have the gym, library visit, golf lessons and VBS starts. Busy day!
Hope you enjoyed the fathers in your lives today!!
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