Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Holy moly.
Do you ever watch "I didn't know I was pregnant" on TLC? Wow. Seriously? This girl just gave birth to twins- one was 5 lbs 11 oz and the other was 4 lbs 14 oz. HOW do you not feel them moving around? Where do you think your period went? I'm just saying. This show irritates me and facinates me at the same time.
Night night.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Our Day

Then off to church we went and on to a steak lunch. He even ordered ribs- something he never orders out. I had some amazing baked chicken. Seriously. It was good! Back home to change and we went on a family bike ride. The side picture is from our trip last weekend to DC. Isn't that a cute bike rack we came across? Mini#1 said it wasn't comfortable though! Anyway, the bike ride was on a newly opened trail behind our street. It was a lot of fun. We didn't realize the trail was open yet. Cute bridges, peaceful, nature trail. We even detoured to a nearby ice cream shop for ice cream before returning home.
Tonight we grilled shrimp and veggie kabobs and had this yummy wild basmati rice I found at Trader Joe's. Mmmmm....and some of that aforementioned cookie cake for dessert! The dessert was had while watching the end of the US Open. Go Rory! I'd say Mr. Pink had a nice Father's Day, even though it was his first without his dad...
Tomorrow we have the gym, library visit, golf lessons and VBS starts. Busy day!
Hope you enjoyed the fathers in your lives today!!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
Five on Friday

1- I had a big ole breakdown bawl fest last night with mini#2 in my lap. I was telling him I couldn't believe it was his last day of kindergarten today. I'm not even PMS-ing! I told him it's going so quickly and I am so proud of him, but I am sad/happy at the same time. I loved his first REAL year of school. I loved the teachers, I love volunteering, I loved seeing him progress in so many areas, but it just hit me hard! DANG, I'm emotional. Who cries at the last day of kindergarten???
2- Real Housewives of NY last night. I won't lie. I had to pour myself a glass of Pinot to get through it. CAN'T THEY GET ALONG? They are in Morocco for goodness sakes! I'm sick of the division of the blondes against the brunettes. But Luann- you are not nice! Gosh she gets under my skin. I cracked up when Ramona was breaking down after her confrontation with Jill and everyone was like, "QUICK get her some pinot. Where's the pinot?"
3- When the kids get home today they'll have Gigi's cupcakes waiting for them. Chocolate cream pie cupcakes to be exact. I've been doing a fun countdown to summer with them and we'll have a final little celebration when they get home.
4- BOTH minis EARNED perfect attendance this year!!! That is amazing to me!!! That's not to say we didn't have allergy issues and I did go to the school frequently to administer breathing treatments. However, the only time they were sick happened during track out times!
5- We're off to DC in the morning for 3 days. It's a final visit with my brother and his wife before they move to Stockholm. We'll tour the monuments and museums and my brother is even going to "babysit" the minis so Mr. Pink and I can go out to dinner alone one night. Should be a fun trip!
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Thursday, June 2, 2011
That was tasty...

I've been wanting to get back into smoothies for breakfast. I have a friend at the gym that was telling me about her smoothies/shakes and while I haven't tried her recipe, (includes protein powder, fruit, spinach, and almond milk) I did buy some almond milk to give it a try. I'm not a fan of soy milk (at all!), but the vanilla almond milk is yummy and the same amount of calories as a cup of skim milk (90 calories). I saw a recipe in a magazine I was reading while on the elliptical machine. I tried to recreate it this morning from memory and it was very tasty. Here it is:
1 cup of vanilla almond milk - 90 calories
1/2 cup frozen blueberries - 45 calories
1/4 cup frozen pineapple -20 calories
1 tsp agave sweetner (my addition for a little more umph!) - 20 calories
ice- no calories. haha
Blend together for a healthy treat that's only around 175 calories. I think I'll throw some spinach in next time. I hear you never taste it in shakes and it would add even more vitamins!