Sunday, June 1, 2014


 He finished 3rd grade Friday!
 He finished 7th grade Friday!
 This kid's team was runner up in his year end tournament. 1 loss in 2 seasons!
 This boy improved his mile time to 5:51 by the end of the season!
 We rescued this frog (bottom of pic) in our yard and took him to a nearby creek.
 We've played with, walked and loved this baby girl!
We wore our shades and went out for ice cream to start our summer!
Just a few things we did in May! We also went to an honor society induction, a wedding where mini#1 and I had way too much fun in a photo booth and soccer tryouts that ended today. I went to a concert for a post Mother's Day celebration with a girlfriend. We saw Fitz and the Tantrums. Good time! And Hall and Oates was fabulous, too (even if they missed a few of my favorites).
We even met mini#2's 4th grade teacher Thursday night since we are only out for our summer for 5 weeks. But it will be a busy 5 weeks. June brings a beach trip (my brother and his family will be there, too), runner's camp, soccer camp, VBS and another road race for mini#2 and me. We will finish the break with another trip to another beach with friends and their kids to celebrate the 4th! Then it's back to the books and making lunches July 7th. But we'll still visit the pool and have fun in July and August after school. Our kids are used to this. Doing homework at the pool during breaks is fun to them! It's not so bad.
I hope you all have great fun summers ahead, too!


Lisa Odom said...

Summer is a busy time!

We will be at OIB over the fourth - we should meet up!

A few months ago you mentioned you were glad to see #2's make up up close. She has started a blog and actually walks through how she does her eye make up. She is very good at it - and demonstrating it too.

Living Life in the Lowcountry said...

Wow, great running time for your boy!
Sounds like you have a busy summer planned, have fun!

Pink in a sea of blue said...

Lisa, we should! Email me at I check out your daughter's blog. I love it!

Living Life... yes, he really improved. The wild thing is some of the 8th graders were at 5:15! FAST kids! Enjoy your summer, too!