I started my morning bright and early in mini#2's music room at school at 8:15 for their 2nd grade talent show. I go to a lot of programs, shows, activities throughout the school year(don't we all?), but I have to say I love these talent shows. These kids amaze me how they will get up and "perform" in front of classmates, parents and grandparents and are completely at ease! I, on the other hand, remember sweating bullets in high school having to present a research paper....or in 4th grade having to recite a 26 line poem. I still hate public speaking, but will read books to 2nd graders any time I am asked. Go figure.
Back to the talent show. Mini#2 and his friend showed a 2 minute video of their soccer skills. I was their videographer two weeks ago on a 70+ degree January afternoon. I made three videos so I could make sure each kid scored the same amount of goals and minimal juvenile trash talking occurred in the final video selection. Ha! It was cute.
After all of the talent I raced home and changed for the gym and headed to toning class. One hour of strength conditioning. I am going to be sore tomorrow. That lady makes you burn, in the very best way of course.
After the gym, home again for a quick shower and changed back into nice(r) clothes and met my friend for lunch at a cute restaurant I had been wanting to try, Relish, in Raleigh. It was really good and every plate that went past my table looked better than the last. However, must say, I think trainers Bob and Jillian from The Biggest Loser would have had a hard time trying to find something healthy on the menu. I selected the turkey, provolone, lettuce, cranberry relish wrap and a side of fresh green beans (instead of fries). They had all kinds of "Not your momma's grilled cheese" sandwiches, too. There was one with brie, ham and raspberry relish that sounded really good. My friend and I are already planning to meet there again. Yum. They make homemade doughnuts served in a small brown paper bag with chocolate sauce for dipping on the side. I want to try those.
Ok, finally posting this three hours after I started this post. Completely got sidetracked by....life. Hope your Thursday was great. Tomorrow is Friday! Yay!
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