After mini#2's soccer game this morning we're headed to the coast for a week of, hopefully, sun and fun. Yes, while most of you of settling into the first few weeks of school, we are tracked out of year round school for 3 weeks since we started back in July. I LOVE September track out. The beaches aren't as crowded and the weather is supposed to be low 80's all week. Looking forward to some down time.
And, since this is my blog, I must brag on mini#1. He made 5 A's and 1 B on his very first letter grade report card. Yes, don't get me started on the NC number grade system for K-5. He finally got "real" grades in middle school and he worked very hard. I'm super proud of him. Don't worry I didn't post this on facebook. Ha! More people read those braggy comments than people read this blog so I only posted here.
Have a great week!