Yes, I was in New York the last three days. We had great weather. Plenty of sunshine, no snow and tolerable cold. Friday my friend and I took a walk through Central Park, grabbed a yummy lunch and headed over to the MET for the afternoon. I love the MET and try to go each time I visit. Above I am on the steps at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I'll share the highlights from Friday's visit.

A chubby baby sculpture I loved!

Degas is one of my favorites...from first seeing his works in Paris with my dad while I was in high school. This was one of his many bronze sculptures.

Monet and me!

Beautiful Renoir.

More Degas. Delicate ballerinas.

Jackson Pollock. They had a few large pieces on display.

Huge piece that reminded me of the color wheel.

Preppy pink and green Matisse!

"Man with a Lollipop" Pablo Picasso. Looks somewhat like a

This reminded me of yoga/
pilates. Had to practice.

Isn't he hot? Loved this one. Cannot believe this is considered ART.
After the museum we went back to the hotel to get ready for dinner. Our friend met us at the hotel and then we headed to Candle 79, a vegan hot spot. Friday night did not disappoint. The food was amazing! I had the butternut squash risotto. But, back to the hot spot part. As we were eating guess who appeared at our table? WOODY
HARRELSON...holding a friend's baby... and we had small talk before he stepped outside and returned with a motorcycle helmet. As he passed our table again I asked if he was taking the baby for a ride later? He paused...and said "probably." We had hoped to take a picture, but didn't see him again. We were trying to play it cool you know! Ha. More to come...