Not really. I've been trapped in suburban life doing what I do best...shuttling kids around. Dreaming of an exotic vacation after this L-O-N-G winter in the south. I have switched from heat to air conditioning to heat in the last 4 days!
The above photos were taken last weekend. My dad turned 80 yrs old on Sunday!! It is hard to comprehend that he is this age. I was usually the kid with the oldest dad and the youngest mom in school. But my parents have been married 46 years so something is working. They have a 13 yr age difference if curious minds want to know. :-) We had a basketball tournament all day in Winston Salem last Saturday and then we drove on to Charlotte to stay with my parents. We got up, went to church with them and then we went to a French bistro for brunch to celebrate his birthday. Then back to their house for cake and ice cream and a little Masters golf on TV before we headed back to Raleigh. Whew! And it was the first time we boarded our sweet 7 month old puppy so we all missed her like crazy. I felt like a new mom and had to call them Sunday to see how she was doing.
My oldest made the middle school track team. Have I even mentioned this on the blog? A lot of his meets have been postponed due to weather so he has a meet on Monday (his 13th birthday!) and also on Tuesday. He is running the mile and the 800. He loves it! We ran another 5K a couple weekends ago and he placed 2nd in his age group! I knew he'd do well since he has been running regularly with the track team. I have been wearing out the greenway trails around here because I am running in the Tarheel 10 Miler next Saturday. Yikes!!! What was I thinking? I have run 10 miles exactly once in training, but think I'm ready. I plan to slow it way down from my normal pace and have fun with it (she says after she just learned the last mile is uphill). Wish me luck. Oh, and I plan to wear head to toe NC STATE clothes in this race that takes place at UNC... Everyone will know this girl is a WOLFPACKER every day, all the time, forever.
What else? I became an aunt again. My brother and his wife had boy # 2 in late February. Their sons are 22 months apart. I try to leave them alone. Kind of easy since they're in Sweden, but they (my sis-in-law) is struggling in these early months. We all remember those days and are glad they are over! We get to see them all when they'll be in the US for 6 weeks this summer. I cannot wait.
When I do finally collapse at night I have been indulging in The Real Housewives of NY. My next door neighbor was in NY at a charity dinner last week and met Kristin, the new housewife! She also met the lead singer of Train. Cool. I also watch Million Dollar Listing NY, Mad Men and I dvr My Five Wives. Do you watch this??? 5 wives? It's so weird. Could you imagine having 5 husbands? Um, no thanks. And why so many kids? With the rotation he's got going on you'd think the chances of getting pregnant are lessened, but let's not go there... I am a reality junkie. Let's not forget Southern Charm. Is it just me that realized that sweet, cute Cameron used to be on MTV's Real World?
Ok, this post makes up for my lack of posting I think.
Happy Easter! I actually saw a very cute, not freaky/scary Easter Bunny at the mall today. No school tomorrow. Is it wrong that we may go see Rio 2 on Good Friday?
Enjoy your weekend!