School started today. Weighted down with costly school supplies (a $16 binder???), my boys marched off to 3rd and 7th grades and no tears were shed by yours truly. I took the "summer" (our 5 week break) off from blogging. We crammed a lot into our break as usual. I dragged the kids to the gym with me some. They were in an awesome Christian Runner's Camp that is popular around here. Mini#2 went to soccer camp the next week. Mini#1 had his end of the year performances in music theater and hip hop. Can you say excessive practices going into that?? We went to the beach twice. We sprinkled in a little pool time between activites. Last week we were at Ocean Isle, NC with friends and had a great time cooking, playing games, going to the 4th of July parade, getting a little sun, morning runs with mini#1 and sleeping well at night. Yesterday we took the boat to the lake. Busy, busy. I'll be sharing photos of all of this NC fun. Oh, a family reunion in Mt. Airy (of Mayberry fame) was also a highlight for me. I hadn't been to one in years. It was so cool seeing my grandmother's youngest sister. Her mannerisms reminded me so much of my dear grandmother who would have been 100 last month. So, I'm a little scattered and all over the place, but I'm back! Hope your summers are going well!